How fantastic to see Wagga girl, Alicia Quirk playing in the Olympic gold medal …
How fantastic to see Wagga girl, Alicia Quirk playing in the Olympic gold medal winning Rugby 7’s team! Source
How fantastic to see Wagga girl, Alicia Quirk playing in the Olympic gold medal winning Rugby 7’s team! Source
There are so many entrance doors to choose from and you can stain or paint them in a multitude of colours. Here are some that have gone into houses we have built plus some other colourful ones. Which is your favourite? Source
With this cold weather and rain we’re looking forward to summer and the 5 o’ clock wave down at the beach! Photo from the DA Source
Thankfully we were able to finish this slab in Estella Rise yesterday before the rain started again! #waynecarterhomes Source
It’s great to see the start of a new 5 bedroom home in Estella Rise. If only the rain would stay away! Source
It’s a hub of activity in Estella Rise today with the carpenters, electricians and plumbers making the most of indoor work. It’s nice to see a different roof colour too! Source
Thinking about building? Only 2 blocks remaining for house and land packages. Get in early and choose a plan to suit your budget and build with your local builder, Wayne Carter Homes. // Source
Thinking about building? Only 2 blocks remaining for house and land packages in Mugga St, Estella Rise. Get in early and choose a plan to suit your budget and build with your local builder, Wayne Carter Homes. // #houseandlandpackage #estellarise Source
Even in this freezing weather our hard working carpenters and bricklayers are hard at work completing the brickwork, frame and trusses in Estella Rise. #waynecarterhomes Source
Thank goodness Troy & Lisa weren’t moving in today in this horrible weather! They are now snug and happy in their new home in Bourkelands. #houseandlandpackage Source