Apr242019NewsFor those brave who gave their lives so we could live ours. Lest We Forget. Like us on Facebook Category: NewsBy Wayne Carter HomesApril 24, 2019 Author: Wayne Carter Homes Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Happy Easter! Enjoy the break and drive safely if you’re travelling.NextNext post:Thinking of building or investing? Your land or ours – your plan or ours! www.w…Related postsFinally the turf has arrived and this gorgeous investment home is complete and r…January 30, 2024No titleJanuary 23, 2024As we say goodbye to 2023 we would like to say thank you to our wonderful client…December 31, 2023Definitely worth attending! NCC ROADSHOW CONTINUES IN WAGGA !Come and join us t…December 15, 2023Going! Going! Gone! #knockdownrebuild #waynecarterhomes #waggawaggaOctober 31, 2023Going! Going! Gone! #knockdownrebuild #waynecarterhomes #waggawaggaOctober 31, 2023