Jun292017News Another slab down this month. Thanks Jimmy and the boys for working until dark to finish it off #brunsleapark. Like us on Facebook Category: NewsBy Wayne Carter HomesJune 29, 2017 Author: Wayne Carter Homes Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:It might be cold but Matt & Gus are hard at it getting the fascia and gutter don…NextNext post:New toilet roll holder……for those who can’t go without their phones….What …Related postsAnother beautiful, investment home completed and all ready for its first tenants…October 28, 2024Finally the turf has arrived and this gorgeous investment home is complete and r…January 30, 2024No titleJanuary 23, 2024As we say goodbye to 2023 we would like to say thank you to our wonderful client…December 31, 2023Definitely worth attending! NCC ROADSHOW CONTINUES IN WAGGA !Come and join us t…December 15, 2023Going! Going! Gone! #knockdownrebuild #waynecarterhomes #waggawaggaOctober 31, 2023